July 9, 2010

72 Hours... Yup.

Alright, so, I don't know when I went from 2 weeks to a little over 2 days, but that's how time goes, right? I've been doing small stuff everyday and it looks like all I have left is packing (which I have obviously been putting off until tomorrow, or maybe the next day, or maybe.... ok, yea, I don't have time after that)! The biggest hassle has been getting this international phone ready to go- uuuggghhh. If it was up to me, I wouldn't have a phone at all, but I understand it's probably smart to have one for emergencys and so my mom doesn't create an emergency trying to get ahold of me over there. I can only imagine the panic.... Yep. A phone is probably a good idea.
For those of you that don't have the phone number (basically everybody except my mom- that thing is expensive and so complicated to use), I really will be updating this everytime I use the internet and I'll be on Facebook and all those other options for communication that the wonderful interwebs allows. Email... Skype... Aim... whatev, if you wanna send me something, please do! I'd love to get messages over there, although I'm definitely not making promises about speedy responses- I need to be out there makin' stuff happen so I have funny things to tell you about when I get home!
I guess one last note for ya is that if you want my skype name or email or any of that, just Facebook me and ask for it. And if I like you I will give it to you :) Haha, I just don't want to post it because who knows what random creeper is gonna stumble across this oh-so-exciting blog and try to talk to me. Haha, as if anybody other than you all would spend their time reading yet another travel blog :P But just in case, nobody wants that drama. I've seen the news. I've read Cosmo's scary "informational" stories about stalkers. I know people are weird....er than you and I. So yea, no personal info up here please, but I would love comments if you wanna make a Google account and do that.
Oh- speaking of comments, does anybody object to me making some money off of putting ads on this blog? I figure you all can ignore them.... Oooor if you wanna act interested and click on them and make me money that would be cool too.... either way :) Let me know if you think that would be really obnoxious of me to do.
Wow, this is really long and I'm not even there, nor am I even saying anything that interesting.... but I bet you all are still reading hoping that the time will go faster behind your desk or that I will share something worth while aaaaanytime now... Not gonna happen this post, wait for the next one, haha. That is, unless you're interested in knowing that Australia time is 14 hours ahead of Ohio time.
That is all the rambling I feel the need to do today :)
Hope you all are healthy and happy--enjoy life today and make plans to enjoy tomorrow (I'll try to help by keeping this thing interesting)!
Much love <3


  1. whew just packing left....then AUSTRALIA bound !!!!!

  2. Today is the day!! And yes I will be using this to make time behind my desk go by quickly, so keep this entertaining! lol love you!

  3. I'm a creeper. Run away to Australia.

    (Like Emily, I'm quite excited to see that you've landed.(love ya))
